Monday, November 16, 2009

so proud of you three...

Friday, November 13, 2009


I'm pretty bummed about Jess not being able to run, and the fact that we won't get to have a romantic weekend together. But I'm trying to look on the bright side and get excited about going to Texas for the first time.

One of the girls I studied abroad with lives in Dallas and may come down on Sunday to hang out with me so I don't get too bored--but who knows, maybe I'll immediately pass out for the remainder of the afternoon following the race :-)

I just checked the weather, too, and there's a 30% chance of thunderstorms. I am trying to will mother nature to cooperate with me on this one.

Since last week I ran 4 miles on Saturday, about the same on Sunday, and sprinted 2 miles on Tuesday. That's it. What's hilarious is that the sprinting made me more sore than the 4 mile runs.

At this point I'm really glad I ran the Army 10-miler a month ago (that's me in the middle with a white hat--holler!). It's made me really excited for the half marathon and got rid of my pre-race stress early.

I bought my Gu for the race 2 nights ago and I'm packing tonight. Early flight tomorrow. Here. We. Go.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

mission failure

not running in the race.

good luck genie, bug, and ryan.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


update for all the "fans" of the blog

i tore ligaments in my ankle. it hurts.

it hurt less this morning and the swelling was waaaay down. bruising is getting worse.

i decided to swim and see if the water loosened it up. i only swam a mile and pulled half of it. (for you non-swimmers, that means that i only used arms for 1/2 a mile)

if it doesnt hurt too much after the swim, tomorrow AM i am going to TRY and run 2 miles. if i can do that then im running on sunday. if i cant run 2 miles, then im not running sunday.

Monday, November 9, 2009


so... swelling seems to be going to down. this is after constant icing from 8am on...but the bruising is starting to appear. lovely

6 days

i ran saturday. here is what happened THIS time.

i am about a mile in. there is a BIG hill. i take this hill as a personal challenge. i run my ass about halfway up and i see a man in front of me, running, about 100 yards ahead. new goal- BEAT THAT MAN UP THE HILL (side note-- he is way too far away for me to actually catch him). i take off "sprinting" regardless. he stops and starts walking. i mentally taunt him. "pansy," "wimp," "loser." Now I really can catch this douschebag. I dig in, and run faster. First step, my ankle rolls and i collapse. HARD. shooting pain. owie.

i am an idiot.
the top 2 pics were taken sunday night, a day post fall. the third pic is late sat night, the night of the fall.
since im hobbling around with 6 days til the race, this could be really interesting.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

10 days


10 days you say?


so i got sick last week... i ran 6 miles in the fucking FRIGID rain last tuesday and by thursday I was a coughing, snotty, wheezing, achy HOT mess. nice one jess.

long story short, last week was a bust.

i ran monday and tuesday... like literally 2 miles. U N I M P R E S S I V E. i just felt so ill and i couldnt breathe.

today i forced myself to run 5 and i feel much much much better.

i only have 3 more runs until san antonio (according to "the book")... 5 miles tomorrow, 4 this weekend, 4 monday... then cruuuuuuuuuise control til Sat.

hiphiphooraaayyyyyy :)

KO. i cant wait to see your face